Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Main Attraction!

Well there is no question to what everyone loved the most on the Roosevelt trip. It was the Tube! some rides where mild for the little kids. Here is a picture of our kids getting a ride with their cousin sam and Aunt Coco. Kiera is trying to make it more exciting by dipping her feet in the water to see if she can get drug off.

Next is a picture of Shawn and Melanie with their kids. Again nothing too rough but we did manage to sink them a few times and send them over enough bumps to force Brigham into retirement. Howerver, It was quickly apparent that the real fun of the tube begain when it got airborne.

This is a picture of Marisa and the kids enjoying the effects of a little air. Kiera's hair looks so cool. It looks like she has dreads. ha! ha!

For even more excitement you have to see what Mike and Shawn did on their tube ride. Now that's fun! Be sure to check out my previous post with a vid of Mike and Shawn.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Camden! Good Times! Good Memories....Lot's of Air for y'all! I love family!

