Monday, September 29, 2008

Spider On Our Porch

This is one of many spiders cohabiting with us. One of the fun facts we found out about living here in the mountains is that it is home to a ton of different spiders and unless you exterminate every month you will find them in and around your house. This is one of the nicer spiders (it stays on the front porch). Some of the spiders sneak into our house and cause interruptions to the quietness that should exist in our house. No the spiders don't make noise but, Marisa does and the noise she makes can wake the dead. Her scream when she sees a spider makes me think the world is coming to an end. You would think by now I'd be used to it, but I'm not, and to make matters worse she is training our girls to do the same thing. Anyway here are some pics I took tonight using my friends macro. The first 2 images I used a couple of sb800 one camera right and the other left. The bottom image was shot with just one sb800.


  1. cool pictures camden. so i am interested in learning about photography. don't know a thing about it. but do you think i could start learning anything without a fancy camera? we just have our digital and while its great that it can survive my dropping it and my tendency to ruin my camera's due to water damage, the quality of picture is not great. i imagine that my first step would be to get a nice camera. i'll just have to remind tyrell that my birthday is coming up :)

  2. Camden - Those pics are good...but creepy. I'm with Marissa on the screaming edge of things!

  3. Hey, sorry guys! I didn't realize you had left a comment here. Jordan, you do not need to have an expensive camera to take great photos. Your point and shoot will do an excellent job in the conditions that it is suited for. It does however, lack the flexability to work well in all conditions. I would suggest that you spend some time getting to know the manual settings of your point and shoot. Learn about the ISO, Shutter Speed, and Fstop, force yourself to shoot with out the help of the automatic settings. Learning how to use these basic settings is the first step to being able to control the way your photos will look. You should also spend some time learning about composition, light, and point of view. These are all things that can be developed whith out the use of an expensive camera. Good luck.

    Those spiders look a lot creepier up close then they do at normal range. But, Marisa is glad that you are siding with her.
